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November 2, 2021
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Congratulations to the new Editor in Chief

Three months after the sad passing of Professor Amato, the Chamber of Commerce of Genova has appointed Professor Giovanni Battista Pittaluga as the new Editor in Chief of the review Economia Internazionale/International Economics.

The choice, in agreement with the Dean of the University of Genova, has been dictated by the need to appoint a Scholar who could both continue the activity of our historical journal and furtherly improve its diffusion and ranking.

Professor Pittaluga’s area of expertise is the international economics: he has published several works in this field and in the field of monetary policy.

He is currently Professor of International Economics and of the European Union at the School of Economics and Trade, and of Monetary Economics of the European Union at the School of International Relations of the University of Genova.

The Staff welcomes the new editor and wishes him all the best in his work.

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Institute for International Economics
of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce

Istituto di Economia Internazionale
Camera di Commercio di Genova
Via Garibaldi, 4 (III piano) - 16124 Genova (Italy)