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Economia Internazionale
/ International Economics

Since 1948 an important scientific context for economists all over the world published by the Chamber of Commerce of Genova, now published in open access




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Editor’s welcome note

Genoa, December 28, 2021 - It is an honour for me to assume the Directorate of Economia Internazionale/International Economics and I would like to thank the Publishers for the trust they have demonstrated in me by giving me this responsibility. As you know, the journal was founded in 1948 based on an initiative proposed by the Institute of International Economics, which had itself been established only two years earlier at the behest of the President of Genoaʼs Chamber of Commerce Giuseppe Manzitti and leading Italian economists of the time, including Luigi Einaudi, Costantino Bresciani-Turroni, Volrico Travaglini and Orlando D'Alauro.

The last of these taking on responsibility for the management of the journal until 1996. In the period in which the Institute and the journal were founded, Italy was in the aftermath of a disastrous war. Those who governed it were called on to make choices that would profoundly affect its future. At the time there was an ongoing heated debate between those who sought to
promote the development of our country by resorting to protectionist measures and those who believed that the country could not ignore free trade and the consolidation of close ties with the West, in particular with the countries of Western Europe and the United States. The journal was an important proponent of this second position and vigorously supported its implementation. From that choice, Italy's economic, social and political development has drawn great benefit.

In 1996 Prof. Amato succeeded Prof. D'Alauro at the helm of the Magazine and went on to consolidate both the tradition of the journal and its circulation. Today the choice of free-trade is once again being questioned. Even in advanced countries, including our own, the recent financial and Covid-19 crises have given new strength to protectionist sentiments. The task of those who today gather around Economia Internazionale/International Economics is to be part of the renewed debate regarding free trade and protectionism.

To this end, in my capacity as Director, I intend to promote the analysis of aspects of the international economy and the economic relations of our country to identify underlying trends and to develop policy proposals. I hope that the support of the magazineʼs many devoted readers will not be lacking in support of this effort.

Yours sincerely,
Giovanni B. Pittaluga

Call for Papers

Special Theme:

Emerging Risks, Innovation and Regulatory Developments in International Banking

Guest Editors:

Claudia Girardone, University of Essex, United Kingdom

Alessandra Mongiardino, Triodos Bank, United Kingdom


Banks engage in many international activities, facilitating the flows of capital across borders, supporting global trade finance and investments, and managing foreign exchange trading. Recent decades have witnessed increased integration of international financial systems, facilitated by the rapid pace of innovation and digitalisation. However, greater interconnectedness and common exposure to risks makes the banking sector less resilient to shocks and crises. There are also new, emerging risks that pose potential threats to the stability and functioning of the global financial system. These include, for example, technological disruptions, cybersecurity attacks, climate change and environmental risks. Moreover, regulatory fragmentation across jurisdictions may present compliance challenges and operational complexities for international banks, resulting in higher costs and potential legal risks.



Latest Issue

February 3, 2025
78 - Issue 1

Latest issue available for consultation and download:



Luigi Einaudi, una rivisitazione

Luigi Einaudi: filosofo liberale, economista politico, intellettuale pubblico

Luigi Einaudi: su alcune questioni di finanza pubblica

Il Parlamento non è la società. Luigi Einaudi su partiti e sistemi elettorali

Inflazione e risparmio in Einaudi e Keynes

Aim and scope

Economia Internazionale /International Economics is an open access peer reviewed journal on international economic issues. The journal, founded by eminent Italian economists immediately after the Second World war, aims at favoring an inter-disciplinary approach between economists, international relations scholars and political scientists. It is committed to publish theoretical and empirical works on international trade, the international monetary system, open economy macroeconomics, international finance as well as international political economy.

More specifically, the Journal also encourages submissions of papers that promote an effective integration of international economics in a broad sense with related fields such as industrial organization, transportation economics, environmental economics, market regulation and political economy. The Journal also encourages the submission of high-quality surveys.



We proudly remember the names of the Economia Internazionale / International Economics Review; extraordinary people with a clear vision of the future.

Luigi Einaudi (Honorary Member)

Luigi Amoroso

Costantino Bresciani Turroni

Epicarmo Corbino

Orlando D'Alauro

Gustavo Del Vecchio

Mauro Fasiani

Pasquale Jannaccone

Francesco Manzitti

Volrico Travaglini



The Editors of Economia Internazionale/International Economics would like to thank all of our referees whose expertise contributes to the quality of research papers. Thanks to their largely unseen work peer reviewers are key to advancing scholarship and improving the quality of scholarly journals.


Latest List Download the 2024 list of referees (PDF format - 53 KB)


The review Economia Internazionale/International Economics is an international economic journal established in 1948 by the Institute for International Economics of the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa.

The Institute for International Economics, a body formed to carry out scientific research in the areas of international economic theory and policy, was founded in 1946 by Professor Orlando DʼAlauro, Professor Volrico Travaglini, Francesco Manzitti, President of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce, and Bruno Minoletti, the Chamberʼs General Secretary.

The Instituteʼs mission as set out by its founders was to construct a strong centre of scientific research able to support, as in fact it did, economic policy that envisaged the liberalisation of international trade in a country – Italy – that had for decades been subject to policies of autarchy and belligerence.

The first and most robust phase of growth for the Italian post-war economy is generally accepted to have been an ʻexport led growthʼ: the underlying political choice that produced this expansion was due to the renaissance of free-market ideas that the Institute for International Economics also helped to promote in those years.

At the same time Travaglini and DʼAlauro – together with some of the leading economists of the day – established the review Economia Internazionale which was to publish not only the Instituteʼs research findings but also first-quality papers from universities and foreign research centres. The topics covered by the first issues of Economia Internazionale ranged from teoria del moltiplicatore delle esportazioni to monopolistic competition, from legge dei costi comparati to socialist theory of international trade, from velocità di circolazione della moneta to teoria matematica dellʼimpresa.

For 75 years activity the Editor, the Chamber of Commerce of Genova, has been able to keep up with changes occurring in scholarly research thus maintaining the independence of the journal: initially contributions to the review were predominantly in Italian, however later English was adopted as the sole language in order to make the results and views published widely available to an international research audience. Also the responsibility for the selection and assessment of papers passed from the sole director to his assistants, and then the double-blind peer review method was introduced. Lastly, in 2016 it has become an open access journal freely available for consultation and download.

Throughout its history many important scholars have submitted and published their papers with Economia Internazionale and just due to these significant contributions it achieved an excellent repute among economists all over the world.



Editor in chief

Giovanni Battista Pittaluga, University of Genova - Italy

Scientific Board

Maurizio Conti, Co Editor - University of Genova - Italy

Elena Seghezza, Co-Editor - University of Genova - Italy

Nicola Acocella - University La Sapienza Rome - Italy

Luigi Attanasio - President of the Chamber of Commerce of Genova - Italy

Eugenia Baroncelli - University Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna - Italy

Giorgio Basevi - University Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna - Italy

Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi - School of European Political Economy, Luiss University , Rome - Italy

Franco Bruni - University Bocconi, Milan, Vice President ISPI - Italy

Gabriele Cardullo - University of Genova - Italy

Maurizio Caviglia - Secretary General of the Chamber of Commerce of Genova - Italy

Parvesh K. Chopra - International Centre for Development and Performance Management, Leeds - UK

Georgios Chortareas - King's College London - UK

Mario Deaglio - University of Turin - Italy

Debora Di Gioacchino - University La Sapienza Rome - Italy 

Silvia Fedeli - University La Sapienza Rome - Italy 

Amedeo Fossati - University of Genova - Italy

Jeffry Frieden  - Harvard University - USA

Claudia Girardone - Essex Business School - UK

Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti – Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po 

Arye L. Hillman - Bar Ilan University - Israel

Miroslav N. Jovanović - Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva, Switzerland and Novi Sad School of Business, Novi Sad, Serbia

Rainer Masera - University Guglielmo Marconi, Rome - Italy

Giuseppe Mastromatteo  - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan - Italy

Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid - National Autonomous University of Mexico - Mexico

Gianmarco Ottaviano – Bocconi University,  Milan - Italy

Piercarlo Padoan – President of Unicredit Bank

Angelo Panebianco - Università di Bologna - Italy

Carlo Panico - University Federico II, Naples - Italy

Martin Puchet Anyul - National Autonomous University of Mexico - Mexico

Alessio Reghezza - European Central Bank

Sergio Rossi – University of Freiburg - Switzerland

Laura Sabani – University of Florence - Italy

Paolo Savona - President of CONSOB, Commissione nazionale per le società e la Borsa, Rome - Italy

Vito Tanzi - International Institute of Public Finance, Munich - Germany

John Thornton - US Department of the Treasury - USA

Editorial Board

Giovanni D'Alauro - University of Genova - Italy

Anna Galleano - Chamber of Commerce of Genova - Italy

Angela Procopio - Chamber of Commerce of Genova - Italy

Alessandra Repetto - Chamber of Commerce of Genova - Italy

Marta Santagata - University of Genova - Italy

Claudia Sirito - Chamber of Commerce of Genova - Italy



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Institute for International Economics
of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce

Istituto di Economia Internazionale
Camera di Commercio di Genova
Via Garibaldi, 4 (III piano) - 16124 Genova (Italy)