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January 1, 2019
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Paper submission

Economia Internazionale/International Economics, edited by the Chamber of Commerce of Genova, is published quarterly.
The Review publishes scientific articles on all economics research topics. In particular, it aims at encouraging and disseminating high quality researches about Italian and world economy.
To this purpose, the journal welcomes applied, institutional and theoretical papers dealing with issues which can be of relevance for the economic debate.
To submit an article, authors are requested to register (Create an account) and follow the Submission guidelines
The Review is double blind peer-reviewed and indexed in RePEc, Econpapers, Econlit, Google Scholar, AIDA, ACNP, ESSPER.

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Institute for International Economics
of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce

Istituto di Economia Internazionale
Camera di Commercio di Genova
Via Garibaldi, 4 (III piano) - 16124 Genova (Italy)