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Corresponding Author:
Christer Thrane, The Department of Social Science at Lillehammer University College, Norway

Ainura Uzagalieva, Independent Economist, Italy
Antonio Menezes , Centre of Applied Economics Studies of the Atlantic at the Department of Economics and Management, the University of the Azores, Portugal

A Multivariate Logit for Propensity to Choose Package Tour over Independent Travel

Volume 74 - Issue 3, August 2021
(pp. 369-388)
JEL classification: C13, C35, C51,Z32, Z33, Z38
Keywords: Package Tour, Independent Travel, Statistical Modeling, Logit Regression, Tourism Policy


The antecedents of choosing package tours as opposed to independent travel have received surprisingly little attention in empirical tourism research. This paper therefore examines how a number of independent variables explain the propensity for package tours to be chosen over independent travel by means of logistic regression analysis. The empirical context is the inbound tourism market to the Azores, and the data refer to two visitor micro surveys. There are two main findings. (1) Socio-demographic variables explain very little of the propensity to engage in package tourism. (2) Country-of-residence and certain trip-related variables, by contrast, are important predictors of this propensity. Implications for policy and future research are discussed.



JEL Classification: C13, C35, C51,Z32, Z33, Z38

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