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Editor’s Choice

We are pleased to present a selection of articles chosen by the Editor in Chief from Economia Internazionale/International Economics.

Luigi Einaudi, una rivisitazione

Mario Deaglio, Dipartimento di Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche, Università di Torino

Volume 77 - Einaudi economista e scienziato sociale, November 2024

Distributive Effects of Balance-of-Payments Constraints: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Argentina (2004-2022)

Ariel Dvoskin, Central Bank of Argentina and National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina
Germán David Feldman, Central Bank of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina
María Lorena Garegnani, Central Bank of Argentina and University of La Plata, Argentina

Volume 77 - Issue 2 - Latin American Economies: Complex Past and Challenging Future - Part II, May 2024

The Euro from a Business Perspective

Alexander Dilger, University of Münster, Germany

Volume 75 - Issue 3, August 2022

A Behaviour of South Africa’s Economy towards Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from Brazil, Russia, India and China (Brics) Economies

Siyasanga Dingela, Nelson Mandela University
Ronney Ncwadi, Department of Economics, Faculty of Business and Economic Studies, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Volume 75 - Issue 2, May 2022

Prediction of Stock Market Direction: Application of Machine Learning Models

Roselyn Dimingo, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Lumengo Bonga-Bonga, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Volume 74 - Issue 4, November 2021

Crude Oil Price Movements and Stock Trading Activity: Evidence from Indonesia

Indra Darmawan, School of Business, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia and Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta, Indonesia
Hermanto Siregar, School of Business, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia and Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Dedi Budiman Hakim, School of Business, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia and Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
Adler Haymans Manurung, School of Business, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia and Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

Volume 74 - Issue 1, February 2021

Modeling the Volatility of Exchange Rate Currency using GARCH Model

Chaido Dritsaki, Department of Accounting and Finance, Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences, Kila, Kozani, Greece

Volume 72 - Issue 2, May 2019

Time Series Analysis using ARIMA Models: An Approach to Forecasting Health Expenditures in USA

Nicholaos Dritsakis, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Economics and Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece
Paraskevi Klazoglou, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Economics and Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece

Volume 72 - Issue 1, February 2019

Foreign Direct Investments, Exports, Unemployment and Economic Growth in the New EU Members – A Panel Data Approach

Nicholaos Dritsakis, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Economics and Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece
Pavlos Stamatiou, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Economics and Social Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece

Volume 70 - Issue 4, October 2017

Determinants of the Relative Importance of Education in Low-Income and Lower-Middle Income Countries

Minh Quang Dao, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, USA

Volume 70 - Issue 2, May 2017

Exchange Rate Pass-through (Erpt) and Inflation targeting (It): Evidence from South Africa

Smile Dube, Department of Economics, California State University Sacramento, CA, USA

Volume 69 - Issue 2, May 2016

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of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce

Istituto di Economia Internazionale
Camera di Commercio di Genova
Via Garibaldi, 4 (III piano) - 16124 Genova (Italy)