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November 25, 2011
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Global crisis and international trade

Last year unrest in North Africa exploded only a few days after the Institute for International Economics of the Chamber of Commerce of Genoa had organised a conference to present the findings of the Permanent Observatory on Southern Mediterranean Economies. Events in the area inevitably had economic effects that differed, in some cases also considerably, from the macroeconomic forecasts prepared by all research bodies working on economic forecasts for the Mediterranean south coast.

In this year’s conference speakers will try to provide useful information to firms in trade relationship with North Africa countries.

The 4th edition of “Economia Internazionale” and “Francesco Manzitti” prizes to an economist and to an entrepreneur in recognition of their contributions to the internationalization of Italian economy will close the proceedings.

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Institute for International Economics
of the Genoa Chamber of Commerce

Istituto di Economia Internazionale
Camera di Commercio di Genova
Via Garibaldi, 4 (III piano) - 16124 Genova (Italy)