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Corresponding Author:
Nicola Acocella, University La Sapienza, Memotef, Rome, Italy

The Impact of Coronavirus and the Policies Needed

Volume 73 - Issue 4, November 2020
(pp. 525-542)
JEL classification: D02, D43, E62, F42, F45
Keywords: Supply Policies, Demand Policies, European Solutions, Solutions at a World Level


The pandemic will have many consequences, all the more important and heavier as it will prolong and it is sad to note that its length depends also on the tendency of large pharmaceutical firms to privatize the results of their research, not sharing them, in order to safeguard their patents. Apart from suspension – or some form of attenuation – of patents on these essential drugs, a policy aiming at an increased cooperation in the research of antidotes could be offered by a common pool of resources between the main countries.

The consequences of the pandemic will vary from those of an economic nature, on the levels and distribution of income between people and countries, to those of a social and political nature. In addition, one should note that the pandemic will influence the set-up of economic and political international cooperation, confirming or aggravating the protectionist tendency of the recent years.

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