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Corresponding Author:
Nicola Acocella, University La Sapienza, Memotef, Rome, Italy

Where is the Italian Economy Going?

Volume 75 - Issue 3, August 2022
(pp. 287-322)
JEL classification: F22; H11; H70; I00; O15; O47; O57; R13; R23
Keywords: International Comparisons; Growth; Public Sector; South; School; Migration


On the threshold of the third decade of the new millennium, a retrospective look and an assessment of the Italian economic situation are appropriate to understand possible future prospects. In this paper we will deal with the main aspects of this situation, starting with an international comparison of macroeconomic data referring to Italy, then moving on to outline the growth and development of the Italian economy over the last half century and the contribution of the public sector. We also deal with some distinctive features of the economic and social system, in particular the role of the South, schools, migration and relations with Europe.

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