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Corresponding Author:
Amedeo Fossati, Dipartimento di Economia, Università di Genova, Italy

Of Public Choice and Antonio De Viti de Marco

Volume 75 - Issue 4 - Papers in memoriam of Amedeo Amato, November 2022
(pp. 519-544)
JEL classification: B10; B30; H10; H40
Keywords: De Viti de Marco; Public Choice; Economic Theory of State; Public Finance


This article aims at revisiting De Viti’s explanatory scheme of the State in order to highlight its links with the Public Choice approach. First, De Viti’s theory of the state is re-examined in order to draw attention to the aspects linked to his positive-normative-ideal approach. Second, a review of the literature is carried out to highlight what can be considered specific points of agreement between De Viti and Public Choice. Finally, an attempt is made to provide an overall assessment of how De Viti may be related to Public Choice.

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